Sunday, July 18, 2010


Having been active in the job market for awhile, I have been surprised that while there are numerous project management opportunities out there, a long term IT PM seemingly has less chance of being a fit for them. The reason for this is that a majority of these
job posting are domain-specific.

How does this lessen the chance of a seasoned PM being a fit? Let's look at an example:
Let's say that you were a whiz-bang C programmer back in the 80's or early 90's (yeah, you know, back in the last century), and you evolved into a leadership position, first as a team lead, and then as a "Project Manager". You find that you are good at project management and before you know it, you realize that you have done 6 or 7 projects. Since you like what you're doing, you decide that this is something to pursue for the rest of your career. What's wrong with that?

The real problem is that once you commit to being a professional project manager, you attack the profession with passion and energy to the exclusion of what got you to that level... and your once-formidable technical skills wither. In and of itself, this is not a bad thing....just as long as you stay in the same enterprise. If you are downsized, or otherwise find yourself jobless, you awake to a job market that wants PM skills AND Java, or Ab Initio, or SAP, etc.

If you are a domain-neutral PM, you will find that more than 85% of the project manager positions that are listed are requiring specific technical skills, or particular industry experience to go along with that PMP of yours.

There is an obvious message in here for you young-uns of the PM congregation out there: "Keep your tech skills sharp....and stay abreast of current technology!!"

Friday, July 2, 2010

On Faster Horses

I find it interesting that people like to view Henry Ford's quote, "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses", as being an affront to innovation and collaborative development.

On the face of it, Ford seems to be saying that the consumer really has no influence on innovation. Indeed, that is the meaning of the words as they stand--the content. Now let's look at the circumstances under which these words could have originated, or the context.

Horses and horse-powered wagons had been in use for centuries; so, this is the point of reference that people could wrap their minds around. It would be natural for them to use that reference as the basis to describe an innovation that could improve their transportation needs, thus "faster horses". When looking at innovation from this perspective, how can one hurdle the obstacle of legacy knowledge to make the shift to a new unimaginable means of transportation?

To bring innovation by envisioning a new, unheard-of technology requires thinking of a different order: thinking propelled by genius. It is thinking of a higher order unfettered by the bounds of common is something entirely new; not just breeding faster horses. So do we get there to that higher order of thinking by collaborating with the users of horses? I believe that this kind of new thought occurs most often in the vacuum of individual creation, when the thinker using his experiences and his vision of 'what could be' brings about that singular new idea that lifts the rest of us to a different, higher reference point...i.e. mass production and use of motor vehicles.

Keep in mind, Henry Ford also said, "If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own", which indicates that he DID realize the value of collaboration.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Quest for Work

Things are finally looking up. The job market seems to have loosened up and there is a lot more activity on the job boards. I am primarily looking for consulting jobs in the domestic US, but have not ruled out international consulting.
Yesterday, I was on the phone with recruiters in Omaha, Charlotte, Raleigh, Dallas, and Fort Worth and Plano. A couple of the jobs seemed promising, so now I wait. That is not to say I do not apply anymore....the search stops only when I have something in my hot little hands that I can sign.

I have been in job-search mode for 13 months now.... and I haven't gone crazy yet!!! I have driven my wife (DW) and step daughter (SD) over the edge, but I have maintained my sanity...what little I possessed to begin with.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Ok, so I am a slacker....haven't posted anything new in 3 days. Well, I really didn't want to promote boredom, so I didn't blog anything, cause there was nothing to blog.
I am trying to bring new energy and focus to my job search this new year. I am really having a tough time doing that, because I feel that I have already been doing everything that I can do.

On the positive side of things, I treated myself to dinner at the Rockfish Seafood Grill in Mckinney on Monday evening. It was good to get back to my favorite watering hole and, as ususal, the food was great, service was excellent, and the drinks hit the spot.

I will post again when I get truly inspired...... or when I feel guilty about not posting....

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Holidays Are Over

Well, it is official. The tree and all the decorations are down and in storage for the next 11 months. It was a 4 hour effort, but our house is now devoid of its Christmas garb, which is kind of sad, because it was a good Christmas with some truly special moments. Now, I have to try to get back to generating a strong focus on getting myself gainfully employed.

Saturday night, my step-daughter and her boyfriend treated me to drinks and dinner at the Urban Crust, a gourmet pizza joint with a twist. I had a great time! The setup is on three levels, with the bar being on the 3rd floor. It is called The 32 Degree Bar, and the back half of the bar top is a flat block of ice the sits flush with the rest of the bar top, which is a perfect spot to park your drink….really a nice effect. Here is a link to their web site. This place is definitely worth the trip.

So far, my good intentions about not being so negative this year are holding true, with only a couple of slip-ups. Hey, I’am only human!!

Me and a better 2010

I promised myself that I would reflect on what I could do to make 2010 a better year for everyone in my life.

Over this last difficult year, I have found that the growth of my personal negativity is exponential when I am stressed: Everything and everyone has something wrong with it. So to battle this distressing trend, I am going to try a few techniques that I have learned but never truly believed (possibly because I didn’t actually try them!!).

•Put a smile on my face, even when I don’t feel like it (alcohol helps ;-} ). The conscious act of smiling can distract the mind from the foul thoughts that are smoldering.
•Start every day with the activities that will get me employed again, then balance my day with activities that will contribute to my family’s well being and my own mental and physical health.
•Try to remember that I can help my family to be closer by having a positive attitude.
•Focus on what I can do to make things easier for my loved ones, and not feel used every time they want me to do something.
•Force myself to be healthier with exercise and a more balanced diet.
•Respect the individuality of my loved ones, and accept that they can function quite well without my intervention or control.
Well, if I can manage all of that, I should quality for sainthood!! Realizing that I have spent 6+ decades building the me that I am (flaws and all), I should probably temper my expectations with the thought that “any improvement is better than none”.

New Years Day -- 2010

Up, Up, and Away!!

I glanced out my front door, and this is what I saw:

A harbinger of good things to come for 2010